Fastlane and Git working together

Fastlane is growing faster, it was bought by Fabric and again by Google (as a product of Fabric). In Fidesmo we’re totally fans of Fastlane and its huge ecosystem. Here is an example of the lanes we use internally:

Beta Release

The most relevant point of this lane is that it takes the version number and changelog from the existing Git information and you don’t have to worry about anything, just to define the kind of release you want to publish. To achieve that, the follow steps are executed:

and the code:

Well, seems to be there are many steps, but using the Fastlane actions all of them are solved easily and you only have to configure them properly. Together with the Fastfile, inside the Fastlane folder we have added a configuration file named .env with the content:

Remember to add the fastlane/.env file to your .gitignore. Is very important NOT to publish the .env file with your keys onto your repository.

In order to run the lane just type:

and we are done!